5. Compatibility with Mercedes‑Benz Strategies/Goals/Philosophies A. Media and Creative 1. Local dealer media buys are to be comprised of media that reflects the quality and integrity of the Mercedes-Benz brand. Avoid advertising placement in undesirable environments which negatively impact the integrity of the Mercedes-Benz brand. 2. Dealers are not to partner with independent brokers, leasing companies and/or websites that link, frame, or are otherwise associated with: a) Sites that utilize marketing terms and images that mislead or deceive a consumer into believing that the consumer is purchasing new Mercedes-Benz vehicles from an authorized MBUSA entity. b) Sites or social media applications that create the appearance/impression that they represent an official web property of MBUSA, Mercedes-Benz, or any other Daimler AG entity. c) Sites that do not conform to required state/local regulations pertaining to proper disclosure of lease or retail terms and conditions. d) Sites that advertise/offer Mercedes-Benz vehicle pricing less than current pricing offered by MBUSA or MBFS Sales Programs. 3. Dealers are not to advertise with retailers known for selling of discounted and/or distressed goods or the selling of counterfeit products. Advertising examples are, but not inclusive of, on-site vehicle displays, store signage, events, mailers, internet ads. Dealers may participate in said retailer internet lead programs. Lead generation activity is compliant 4. Tier 3 creative concepts must evoke the integrity of the Mercedes-Benz brand image. Aside from communications containing specific misleading or discount language as outlined in this document, an overall creative concept must not be disparaging to the brand. MBUSA reserves the right of final ruling regarding such creative concepts. 5. Images appearing in Tier 3 communications must support Mercedes-Benz strategies, goals, and philosophies. 6. Copy for Tier 3 marketing must be devoid of sexual, political, racial, religious, or any other language likely to be offensive to potential Mercedes-Benz buyers. 7. Competitive Advertising Claims. Dealers are discouraged from advertising “call outs” to competitors by name as it diminishes the integrity of the brand. A competitive claim challenged by said competitor is the sole responsibility of the dealer to litigate, indemnifying Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 18

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