7. Premier Express Advertising - Dealers may not diminish the level of service when advertising Premier Express and must include the following disclaimer* * With Premier Express, you can receive routine vehicle service maintenance in about an hour or less with no appointment required. Actual servicing duration may vary based on external circumstances. 8. When advertising the sale of an oil change the following must be adhered to: 31. For MY09 up to and including MY14 vehicles, dealers may not call it “just an oil change” or “oil and filter special” as this omits the necessary and required components required by the factory to be considered sufÏcient and proper maintenance of the vehicle within Service A and Service B specifications to reset the service indicator light and diminishes the service level performed. 32. For MY15 and newer vehicles, dealers may advertise an oil and filter special but must include the following disclaimer: “Oil and filter change is the base advertised service component. Additional services as determined by your vehicle’s ASSYST Plus system, which calculates service needs based on your driving habits, time, mileage and environmental conditions, may increase service cost.” 33. Guidelines do not apply to vehicles MY08 and older where advertising an oil change is permitted. Non-compliant Service Marketing ads must be corrected within 24 hours to assure compliance. 9. Required scheduled maintenance content for diesel vehicles MY09 and newer must be advertised including: 34. AdBlue® replenishment at all intervals 35. Fuel filter replacement as indicated in vehicle’s maintenance manual 36. Adhere to all required elements specified in the corresponding Service Sheet Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 26

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