6. Service Marketing Language Usage A. Discounting 1. At the dealer’s discretion, discounting below MSRP is allowed on service and parts. B. Distressed Language 1. Dealers may not utilize any form of distressed advertising, including any mention of overstocking, closeouts, or other suggestions that the parts and or services cannot be sold. Examples of distressed language include the words “Clearance,” “Liquidation,” “Blowout,” “Overstocked,” “Reduction” (i.e., “Inventory Reduction,” “Massive Reduction,” “Construction Reduction,” “Tent Sale,” “Garage Sale,” “Super Store,” or “Super Center”), “Factory Incentives” or any other phrase that tends to create the impression that Mercedes-Benz parts and or services are an “economy” or “discount” brand rather than a premium brand. 2. The term “reduction” may only be used in conjunction with the reduction of service or parts costs. (e.g., “Service Cost Reduction” or “Parts Cost Reduction”). Acceptable alternative language examples: 1. % off 2. Discount 3. $ off 4. Coupon 5. Voucher 6. Dealer Cost 7. Invoice 8. Cash Back 9. Dealer Incentives 10. Cash Incentives 11. Special Internet Pricing 12. Low Prices 3. Dealers may not use any exaggerated form of terms such as “Huge Savings,” “Best Savings,” “Massive Savings,” “Enormous Discounts,” “Tremendous Opportunity,” etc. C. Unsubstantiated Claims 1. Dealers may not publish or air disparaging communications or non-documentable/untrue claims that imply that a dealer is in a preferred position as compared with other Mercedes-Benz dealers. Dealers may not use superlatives or make claims about their Mercedes-Benz dealership without first substantiating and documenting those claims with their MBUSA Regional OfÏce. The source for any superlatives or claims that appear in consumer-oriented marketing must be shown in a disclaimer. Superlatives such as “biggest,” “best,” “largest,” “first,” “only,” “most aggressive,” “most professional,” “friendliest,” “easiest to accommodate,” “largest inventory,” “fastest growing,” and other similar phrases are often impossible to document or require significant disclaimer. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 20

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