C. Separation of star and word mark. Print media: The star is positioned at bottom right, word mark/claim are left-aligned with the left-hand margin, with fl exible spacing from the star. Digital media: The star is positioned at top left, word mark/claim are right-aligned at a fi xed distance from the star. D. The 4-color star should be used whenever possible, with the one color star reserved for printing with limited color or when restricted to small sizes where 4-color printing may not hold up. Whenever applicable, the star should always be used on a black background. On rare occasions when not on a black background, the background behind the logo should not be busy or contain elements that distract from the star being a prominent focal point. E. “The best or nothing” global tagline is for exclusive use by Mercedes-Benz USA. Tier 3 communications are never to use the phrase “The best or nothing” in conjunction with the trademark, trade name, dealership DBA, or in conjunction with headlines, body copy, or in reference to Mercedes-Benz vehicles or dealership services. Exception to this guideline is the use of creative on mercedesmarketing.com for Tier 3 marketing which may contain this tagline. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 33

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