B. Impact Area: An impact area is defined around the star. No other elements are to be positioned in this area. In case of restricted space or limitations resulting from specified layouts and grids, the star may be used with a minimal impact area in exceptional circumstances. Unless otherwise defined, the star is positioned at the edge of the format with the aid of the impact area. The impact area (optimum) also serves as the basis for determining the format-specific star sizes. Depending on the format there is space for between 1 to 5 adjacent impact areas, thus defining the appropriate star size for the format concerned. Optimum impact area Reduced impact area (dealer ads) Optimaum impact area Left and right: 3/4 star diameter Left and right: 3/4 star diameter Left and right: 1/4 star diameter Top and bottom: 1/2 star diameter Top and bottom: 1/3 star diameter Top and bottom: 1/4 star diameter Limited area Relationship between format width and impact area Impact area (optimal) as basis for star sizing Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 32

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