4. Marketing Outside of AOI Dealers are to place their Tier 3 marketing only within their areas of influence (AOI) as defined in the “Mercedes-Benz Passenger Car and Light Truck Dealer Franchise Agreements.” A Tier 3 media buy must comply with the following parameters, defined by media type and geography, to qualify for the Tier 3 Bonus Program payout. Media purchased must reflect a strong reach within a dealer’s AOI. Compliance varies by medium and by geography. MBUSA expects dealers to employ non-predatory marketing practices by focusing their efforts within their AOI in accordance with their “Mercedes-Benz Passenger Car and Light Truck Dealer Franchise Agreements.” Should a dealer’s AOI be modified as a result of a new dealer point within their designated marketing area (DMA), the existing dealer has 60 days to pull their marketing from the AOI of the new dealer point, or until which time the existing dealer’s media contract expires. A dealer’s Tier 3 media buy must meet the following guidelines. Deviation from these media buying guidelines must be pre-approved by your MBUSA Regional OfÏce. A. Multi-Point DMA B. Single Point DMA 1. Spot TV: Must have signal in dealers AOI. 1. Spot TV: Purchase within DMA only. May 2. Spot Cable: Purchase only cable zones inclusive purchase beyond DMA if AOI extends past DMA of zip codes within AOI. parameter. 3. Radio: Buy must reflect 0.1+ Arbitron 2. Spot Cable: Purchase within DMA only. May Rating in dealer’s AOI, against adults 25-54, purchase beyond DMA if AOI extends past HHI $100,000. DMA parameter; however, within only those cable zones inclusive of AOI zip codes. 3. Radio: Buy must reflect 0.1+ Arbitron Rating in dealer’s AOI, against adults 25-54, HHI $100,000. C. Print: D. Print: 1. Must purchase zip codes or regional edition when 1. Publication must have 60% of circulation within available, purchasing only those zip codes which a dealer’s AOI. fall within dealer’s AOI. 2. Publications with non-regional capabilities must have at least 10% of circulation within the dealer’s AOI. E. Out-of-Home: May only be purchased in zip codes within a dealer’s AOI (i.e. signage, transit bus buys, billboards etc.). – These rules apply regardless of creative message (New, Service, Pre‑Owned, Certified Pre‑Owned etc.) F. Digital Online Banners: Medium offers geo-targeted buying capabilities for display advertising and sponsorships. Therefore, the dealer must isolate the buy within a geography representative of their AOI. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 14