SECTION I This section documents Category I Infractions of the MBUSA New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program: Inclusive of, but not limited to paid, non-paid, and added value marketing for new vehicle and service marketing via: traditional and digital advertising, dealer websites, online vehicle listings, paid search, search engine optimization, social media sites, e-mail marketing, local events, etc. To comply with the Mercedes‑Benz New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program, the following must be adhered to. Please refer to Mercedes-Benz Regional Dealer Advertising Program document (dated February 2014, Rev. 7), for full Mercedes‑Benz New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program details. 1. Language Usage A. Discounting 1. Tier 3 marketing for new vehicle, demonstration, or special demonstration vehicles must always reflect pricing at MSRP and/or offers stated within the “Monthly Sales Program Guide” for the time frame indicated in the “Guide” and must include the Destination and Delivery charges. Marketing communication examples include, but are not limited to, dealer newsletters, e-mail blasts, direct marketing, digital marketing. ƒ When communicating a retail sales price on a vehicle via consumer-oriented marketing, the MSRP cited must represent the vehicle described, including year, model, and optional equipment if applicable. ƒ In the event that the information provided in the communication is incomplete or inconsistent, for the purposes of evaluating compliance within the MBUSA New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program, it will be assumed that the dealer intends to advertise the most expensive Mercedes-Benz vehicle suggested by any portion of the description given. ƒ A Mercedes-Benz class of vehicle may be advertised with a “starting at” MSRP; however, if the vehicle depicted is not representative of the starting at price, it must be disclosed as such within the communication. ƒ Unless a vehicle being advertised is clearly identified as a used car, MBUSA will assume that the vehicle is new. Dealers must identify any Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) and/or pre-owned vehicles to avoid any misrepresentation of the vehicle status as “new.” ƒ One-to-One Communication: The only exception to this guideline is a unique, single communication, i.e. a sales consultant communicating with one customer via an e-mail, response to an electronically generated lead via e-mail or phone, AutoAlert/automotiveMastermind system etc. correspondence, a phone call and/or correspondence via standard mail. 2. Discounting MSRP of a vehicle sale price via alternative cash incentives is prohibited, i.e., gift cards regardless of their value. Additionally, non-cash incentives may not be used to discount the MSRP. (This standard does not pertain to test drive offers. Test drive incentives are at the discretion of the dealer.) 3. Where non-cash incentives are offered, the communication must include the value of the incentive or, where no retail price is available, the fair market value of the incentive. If a range of prizes is available within a promotion, the value range must be stated. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 4