C. 1/1 Ads 6mm 1/1 ads 1 1 Star: 28 mm diameter 2 2 Word mark/claim: 28% of database logo size (ML version) Alignment: inner ring of star 3 6mm 3 Type size: 29.75 pt (CH 1/4 x) The supplier line corresponds to the previous BDS guidelines Type: Corporate A Condensed in terms of size and distance from bottom edge of format. 4 4 Type size: 10.5 pt (LS 14.175 pt) Type: Corporate S Light (body copy), Corporate S Demi (subheadline) Spacing headline/body copy: LS 23.8 pt (80% of headline size) 5 5 Type size: 10.5 pt (LS 12.6 pt) Distance from bottom edge of image: 1 blank line 6 6 Endorsement, type size: 8 pt Type: Corporate S Light x = star diameter CH = cap height LS = line spacing Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 44