Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 113 If you get no response, follow up within the week – ideally 3-4 days later. If you still haven’t received a response, follow up again 3-4 days later. If you are writing to American investors, direct asks are best, because recipients are busy and don’t want to spend time interpreting what you really want. Are you asking for a meeting about your seed round? Or are you asking for something else? This should go without saying but… don’t be an asshole. Emails like, “Listen stupid, you haven’t responded yet” don’t work. Don’t even address the fact that the recipient hasn’t responded yet because it sounds desperate. Just pretend that they never received the email in the first place. Sometimes that does happen. Include a line that says that you’ll stop pinging them if they’re too busy or if it’s not the right time to partner. You’re simply looking for a confirmation – yes or no. Having persistence is more appreciated than people might assume here. Just keep at it. 2. Be nice to an investor’s assistant and ask for help It goes without saying that you should treat an investor’s assistant with respect. But take it one step further and be actively friendly. An investor’s assistant is actually the most powerful person at the firm. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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