Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 112 2. – “Pitch” to other founders If you've been talking with investors and the conversations haven’t gone anywhere, pitch your startup to other founders. Make sure these are founders you can absolutely trust. Give them permission to drop honest and brutal feedback. Ask targeted and action-oriented questions like, “What is one thing you think that I should change about my pitch?” You can even gather a few founders into a small mastermind group to do this activity together. Each person pitches and the other people in the group give feedback for 10-15 minutes. This allows you all to gather input from multiple perspectives and learn from each other. What to do if you aren’t hearing back from investors If someone ghosts you after a Bumble date, they probably aren’t that interested in you. But investors are a different story. 1. Be persistent in following up Elizabeth used to think that investors would get annoyed if she bugged them too much. But now that she’s on the other side of the table, she doesn’t even notice if someone has pinged her three times because she’s overwhelmed with emails. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc