Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 111 How to ask for feedback if the investor says no One thing that frustrates our team about venture capital is vague passes. Most investors aren’t incentivized to give a clear reason to say “no”. They’d rather preserve the optionality of coming back to you later if it seems that your business is actually doing well. Frankly, this feels disrespectful. But it’s bound to happen. Here are two ways to try and get some real perspective on what may be happening. 1. – Ask the investor directly “Is there one thing that caused you concern about our company?” If you ask for generic feedback, there may be too much “analysis paralysis,” and it’s going to be hard to get an answer. But when you ask for just one reason or one thing that you could improve, this makes it easier for the person to respond. Keep in mind if you use that “one thing” to try and convince them that they were wrong, you’ll likely just jeopardize the relationship. If you do get feedback using this method, we recommend thanking them for their honesty, letting them know you’re addressing that piece, and asking if you can add them to your investor update newsletter. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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