Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 110 Be consistent Consistency is paramount. Whether it's once a month or once a quarter – we recommend once a month – you want the folks on your investor newsletter to get used to hearing from you at a regular cadence. It’s a great way to build trust with your investors. They’ll see you as reliable and trustworthy, and will be more likely to recommend you to other investors and strategic partners in the future. Newsletters can also be a way to slowly pitch your company over time. And it works. At Hustle Fund, investors who have passed on us have invested in later rounds because of our newsletters. If someone rejects you on an investment, invite them into the newsletter anyway. You might find that over time, you’ll be able to land them as an investor. Keep it simple It’s OK to send the same updates to all your investors. No one needs an individualized note to go with their update. Just be sure to BCC everyone so you’re not sharing their information without their approval. Lastly, include relevant links. Did you just launch a new product? Post a new job listing? Release a new version of your website? Linking to those pages will make it easy for your investors to get excited about what you’re building, and think of ways they can help you be more successful. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc