Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 129 ($460,000) from our Fund III. Or they want to call down 10% ($4,600,000). A typical capital call takes two weeks. And there's a two-week grace period window for each LP to send the money to the VC fund, which can cause more delays. At Hustle Fund, we have a different kind of capital call structure. We call a little bit more money than we normally need at any given time so we can wire money faster since we do a lot of deals. That process is slowly starting to become the norm, but it's still infrequent. Delays are somewhat common but it is rare for an LP to completely miss or ignore a capital call. To spare you the details, there are severe consequences to the LP if this happens. Plus it massively damages their reputation. Be patient when waiting to receive the money. If there’s a delay, you’ll know that it’s likely because of the capital call process. What to say to your team after a successful fundraise Once you complete a successful fundraise, it’s best practice to communicate expectations with your team. Be sure to cover: 1. What you’re gonna do with the money 2. How these funds affect your runway hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc