Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 130 3. How this could be your last fundraise, ever… 1. What are you going to do with the money? You’ve pitched a roadmap to investors on what you’re going to do with this cash. Now it’s time to bring your team up to speed on what you’ve promised. Will you hire more employees? Boost your marketing efforts? Buy new office chairs for your team? Be super clear on how the money will be spent. Then actually do those things. Employees might feel this is a good time to mention that they want raises. It’d be smart to prepare for these potential conversations. 2. How these funds affect your runway You want to explain how these funds are going to affect your company’s runway and the timing of your next fundraise. Tell your team what milestones you need to hit before the next fundraise. Imagine I had a company called Quantus Solutions that just raised $2M. I told investors that I’d generate $10M in revenue with 20 enterprise clients within 12 months. My plan is to raise the next round of funding only when I accomplish this milestone. We hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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