Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 83 over time? And which channels are working or not working? ● How much does your solution/product cost (COGs)? ● How much will it cost in the future? ● Why do people buy/use your solution? ● What is the sales cycle to-date? ● How does the product team interact with current and potential customers? If so, how and how often? Competition ● What differentiates your solution from other alternatives? ● Who are you more afraid of: Google or another startup? ● Who are you most afraid of? ● What happens if Google (or equivalent) does this? ● Who are the major players? ● What is your moat? Traction ● When did you start the company? ● How many customers do you have to-date? ○ Or how many pilots / contracts are signed? ■ When are the start dates of those pilots / contracts? ■ What are the contingencies? ○ Or how many LOIs signed? What do those look like? ● How much revenue have you generated to date? hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc