Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 84 ○ How much revenue did you earn this month? Last month? The month before? ○ As product revenue vs consulting / services revenue? ○ What are your margins? ■ Tip: margins are especially relevant for companies with a high cost of goods, like expensive items, or e- commerce companies with delivery expenses. ● Any notable customers? ○ Any enterprise customers paying big money? ● What does retention or churn look like? (if you know) ○ How many daily active users do you have? How many monthly? ○ What is your monthly churn? ■ Tip: churn is especially important for subscription- based companies ● What does engagement look like? ● What is your website conversion rate? ○ How have your conversion rates changed over time? Have they increased, decreased, or stayed the same? ● Any upsells? ● When will your company break even in terms of profitability and cash flow? Fundraising/plans ● How much have you raised to date? ○ What were the terms in your last round? hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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