Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 85 ○ Who are your current investors? ● How much are you looking to raise? ○ What are you looking to achieve (milestones) with this round if everything goes well? ○ What milestones do you expect to hit with this raise? ● Where are you in your round? ○ Have the current terms been set? And if so, what are they? ● What is your burn rate? ● What is your top priority for the next 3-6 months? ● What metrics do you care about when measuring the health of your business? Why? ● What are your capital costs? (if capital intensive, like hardware / e-commerce) ○ Minimum batch sizes / inventory / etc? ● Have you secured a lead investor for the round? If so, who and how much is the lead investing? We recognize that these are tough questions. And sometimes tough questions put people on the defensive. A red flag for most investors is when founders get SUPER defensive, or even dismissive of the questions or ideas that investors bring to the table. This is because a defensive founder indicates that they are probably not coachable. Now you should feel free to push back against an investor if you have a different opinion. Especially if you have data to back up that hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc