still not access Western Sahara and Polisario MOROCCO/ camps. On 21 October, the government announced WESTERN SAHARA that a vaccine pass would be necessary to enter places of work, restaurants and for all Kingdom of Morocco travel inside and outside of Morocco. The Head of state: Mohamed VI union of café and restaurant owners, the Head of government: Aziz Akhannouch (replaced Saad- lawyers’ union and some rights organizations Eddine El Othmani in October) criticized the move, saying the pass was unconstitutional, arbitrary or a danger to the The authorities continued to use the 2020 economy. Protests against the decision were health emergency decree-law to arbitrarily held across Morocco on 31 October. restrict freedom of expression and Between January and December, the king assembly, including of journalists, activists issued royal pardons affecting 4,127 and workers. The authorities continued to prisoners. violate the rights of pro-independence In September, Algeria cut diplomatic ties Sahrawi activists through arbitrary house with Morocco. arrests, ill-treatment and harassment. The FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND government introduced a Covid-19 vaccine ASSOCIATION pass necessary for anyone to enter their places of work, public and private Human rights defenders, journalists, social administrations, restaurants and to travel media users, academics and activists inside and outside Morocco. Protests continued to face repression of the legitimate against the pass were held in several cities exercise of their freedom of expression. At and were met by force at least once. The least seven were arrested and/or prosecuted Feminist Action Union recorded monthly for freedom of expression-related offences. increases in domestic violence cases in On 23 March, academic and human rights almost every city in Morocco. Parliament defender Maati Monjib was provisionally passed a new law that allows for gender released from El Arajat prison near the capital reassignment for those born Rabat. In October, he was prevented from “hermaphrodites”, which was criticized by travelling to France for a medical LGBTI communities for its vagueness and appointment and to see his family, due to an lack of reference to transgender people. arbitrary travel ban imposed since October Migrants and asylum seekers were 2020. arbitrarily detained and, in areas close to In July, Omar Radi, an independent border crossings, the authorities raided the journalist who was often critical of the lodging places of sub-Saharan nationals, authorities, was sentenced to six years in sometimes burning their belongings or prison on charges of espionage and rape forcibly evicting them. after a trial that did not meet international fair BACKGROUND trial standards. Among other things, he was denied the right to see and challenge each Government measures to support the piece of evidence used against him. economy during the second year of the In September, the Marrakesh Court of First pandemic included compensating those who Instance sentenced Jamila Saadane to three could not work, although this only applied to months in prison for videos she posted on those in formal jobs. YouTube accusing the Moroccan authorities In October, the UN Mission for the of covering up prostitution networks and Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) human trafficking in Marrakesh. She was was renewed, but still lacked a human rights convicted of “insulting institutions” and mandate. Human rights organizations could “spreading false information”. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 258