RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND Orthodox Church. Police responded with tear REPARATION gas and rubber bullets. The NGO Human Rights Action urged the GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE new Supreme State Prosecutor to revise the unimplemented 2015 War Crimes Strategy In April, NGOs called for a law on sexual and adopt measures ending impunity. harassment after misogynistic hate speech Investigations opened into one case, was directed at the Minister of Health, female transferred from Bosnia and Herzegovina. politicians and other women. Judgment remained pending after the The increase in domestic violence, European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) attributed to the pandemic, continued. Few concluded its consideration of Montenegro’s criminal prosecutions took place and shelter failure to provide justice to relatives of capacity remained inadequate. Bosniak refugees transferred in 1992 by DISCRIMINATION Montenegrin police to Bosnian Serb forces and subsequently murdered. In June the Council of Europe warned of The Minister of Justice and Human Rights growing ethnic division. Montenegrins and was dismissed in June for refusing to accept Serbs were prosecuted for inciting ethnic a government resolution recognizing the hatred. Albanians and Bosniaks claimed that Srebrenica genocide. Covid-19 measures to close cafes in Tuzi TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT were discriminatory. In November Bosniak activist Sabina Talović was injured in a The ECtHR awarded €7,500 to both Momčilo racially-motivated attack. Baranin and Branimir Vukčević, finding that Around 30% of Roma and Egyptians living their ill-treatment by police during anti- in Podgorica did not receive Covid-19-related government protests in October 2015 had not social and economic assistance. Bijelo Polje been effectively investigated. However, the municipality failed to provide adequate ECtHR considered Milorad Martinović’s alternative housing to 26 Roma families in complaint terminated, as Montenegro had advance of road-widening, instead offering an prosecuted two police officers and awarded inadequate payment to leave. The authorities compensation. Video footage showed failed to assist undocumented Roma and Martinović being attacked by around 20 Egyptians at risk of statelessness. unidentified riot police. In July, police wearing balaclavas and without visible identification LGBTI PEOPLE’S RIGHTS were again filmed ill-treating an individual. In March, two women were the first of five FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION couples to be married under the Law on Life Partnership of Same-Sex Partners. In March, In April, police and prosecutors participated a transgender member of LGBT Forum for the first time in the Commission for Progress was attacked by unknown assailants Monitoring Violence against the Media. and seriously injured. In December parliament adopted amendments to the Criminal Code strengthening protection for journalists and media workers. Twenty-five journalists reported physical or verbal attacks, including death threats. FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF In September, former government supporters and others attempted to prevent the enthronement of the new head of the Serbian Amnesty International Report 2021/22 257