month. Although the government Journalist Luis Carlos Díaz remained subject subsequently allowed him to join negotiations to severe restrictions and prosecution. between the Maduro government and the HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS opposition in Mexico City, his detention was emblematic of the ongoing repression. The crackdown on and criminalization of civil Media outlets close to the governing party, society and human rights defenders such as the national TV programme Con El intensified. Mazo Dando, continued to stigmatize and In January, five members of Azul Positivo, a attack human rights defenders and others humanitarian organization, were arbitrarily perceived as government opponents. detained and charged with offences including FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND “terrorism”. They were conditionally released ASSEMBLY in February, but remained subject to restrictions and prosecution at the end of the According to the Venezuelan Observatory of year. Social Conflict, a local NGO, between January In March, the government approved an and June, there were 3,393 protests. These administrative regulation requiring local were largely over economic, social and NGOs to register with an “anti-terrorism” cultural rights, such as labour rights, oversight organization and disclose healthcare services, high food prices and confidential and sensitive information about lack of basic services, including fuel. At least victims of human rights violations and how 59 protests were attacked by the police, the NGOs are funded and function. Following military or pro-government armed groups, international pressure, the government resulting in the death of one protester and reversed some of these provisions. However, injuries to seven others. the regulation remained in place and local The Venezuelan NGO Espacio Público organizations risked criminalization under the (Public Space) reported that between Organic Law on Organized Crime and January and August there were more than Financing of Terrorism if they failed to 292 attacks on the press and journalists, register. National and international including harassment and intimidation, organizations viewed this administrative arbitrary detention, censorship and digital regulation as a clear crackdown on human attacks. These attacks compounded the lack rights defenders and humanitarian workers. of transparency regarding epidemiological In July, Javier Tarazona, Rafael Tarazona data on the Covid-19 pandemic. and Omar de Dios García, members of the The National Telecommunications local NGO FundaREDES, were arbitrarily Commission (Conatel) banned several detained by SEBIN officers. They were programmes, including Punto de Corte Radio charged with inciting hatred, treason and aired on Radio Fe y Alegría, and one of the “terrorism”. Despite numerous requests, their country’s main newspapers. chosen legal representatives were denied A court ruled against one of the main accreditation to appear before the court. All newspapers in Venezuela, El Nacional, which three were awaiting initial pre-trial hearings at was fined the equivalent of US$13 million the end of the year. Rafael Tarazona and after losing a court case for defamation Omar de Dios García were conditionally relating to Diosdado Cabello, a high-ranking released in October. Javier Tarazona, who government official. had a serious health condition that required In October, police raided the home of urgent attention, remained in detention. journalist Roberto Deniz, from the Armando According to the Centre for Human Rights Info portal; he and his family had been Defenders and Justice, in 2021 there were granted precautionary measures by the 743 attacks against human rights defenders, IACHR in 2020. an increase of 145% compared to 2020. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 401