EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE extend beyond those directly affected and Several security operations against criminal impact society as a whole.” gangs took place in Caracas during which RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND police and military forces used unlawful and REPARATION unnecessary force. There were reports of several deaths caused by stray bullets in two Efforts to seek truth, justice and reparation operations in January and July. through international mechanisms, in the IMPUNITY absence of effective national remedies, continued to be thwarted by the authorities’ Impunity prevailed for human rights violations attempts to avoid international scrutiny. The 2 and crimes under international law. The Maduro government did not recognize the FFM expressed deep concern about the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of state’s willingness to prosecute those Human Rights or the oversight of the Inter- suspected of criminal responsibility for American Commission on Human Rights human rights violations, stating: “the State is (IACHR), despite several rulings and not taking tangible, concrete and progressive recommendations from both organizations. steps to remedy violations, combat impunity Although the OHCHR maintained the and redress the victims through domestic mandate for technical cooperation with investigations and prosecutions.” officials in the Maduro government and Authorities announced the establishment of oversight of the human rights situation, a commission for judicial reform. However, invitations to special rapporteurs and treaty the person appointed to lead this had been bodies such as the Special Rapporteurs on named by the FFM as probably responsible human rights defenders, on freedom of for crimes against humanity and was a assembly and on extrajudicial killings, and National Assembly representative, casting the Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions, doubt on his independence and impartiality. among others, to visit the country remained The military officer charged in connection pending. In February, the Special Rapporteur with the death in 2017 of David Vallenilla on the Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive during a peaceful demonstration was Measures on the Enjoyment of Human Rights acquitted in September. However, the visited Venezuela. Attorney General Office appealed against this In November, the ICC Office of the and in October he was sentenced to 23 Prosecutor opened an investigation into the years. The command responsibility was yet to situation of Venezuela. In a visit to Caracas, be investigated. the Prosecutor signed a memorandum of UNFAIR TRIALS understanding with the authorities, who committed to fully cooperate with the Criminal proceedings and courts continued to investigations, although they did not agree be misused to silence dissent. The use of that the criteria had been met to move the military jurisdiction for civilians and special investigation forward. “terrorism” courts was common. Authorities REPRESSION OF DISSENT denied detainees visits from families and lawyers on the pretext of Covid-19 Political opponents, real and perceived, of restrictions, leaving many in incommunicado the Maduro government faced constant detention and without adequate time to attacks and harassment and were at risk of prepare their defence. arbitrary detention, torture and other human In its report, the FFM stated that the justice rights violations, as part of a long-standing system “played a significant role in the State’s policy of repression. repression of Government opponents. The In July, Freddy Guevara, a high-profile effects of the deterioration of the rule of law member of Popular Will, was arbitrarily detained in Caracas and held for over a Amnesty International Report 2021/22 400