The COVAX initiative made repeated offers REPRESSION OF DISSENT to provide vaccine assistance. An initial offer Freedom of expression, including open in March of 2 million doses was turned down, criticism of the authorities or leadership, was 5 apparently for fear of possible side effects. non-existent. In October, the UN Special The North Korean leadership also suggested Rapporteur on the situation of human rights that other countries had a greater need. In in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea November, a further offer of more than 4 reported on a “widespread awareness that million doses was made. According to the anyone believed to be a political threat to the WHO, as of November North Korea was one current political system and the leadership... of only two countries globally with no continues to be sent to Kwanliso [political vaccination programme in operation. prison camps].” Restrictions imposed by the government to Severe punishments, including years of curb the spread of Covid-19 led to families “reform through labour”, were imposed on being quarantined at home for several weeks those who broke the Reactionary Thought with no support from the authorities to ensure and Culture Denunciation Law, issued in adequate food supply.1 December 2020. The law criminalized those Medicines became more scarce than usual who “encountered illegal foreign culture”, due to border closures and sanctions. The including South Korean dramas, films and WHO and UNICEF were permitted to ship songs. Unconfirmed reports indicated that some medicines into North Korea. several people were executed after viewing The national healthcare system remained and distributing films and other culture from fragile and unable to meet people’s medical abroad, and that death sentences continued needs.2 Despite government warnings of to be imposed and executions carried out punishment, there were reports of people widely. using illicit drugs such as methamphetamine Mobile phone subscribers increased to 6 and opium to deal with chronic pain.3 million (out of a population of about 25 RIGHTS TO FOOD, WATER AND million). Surveillance also increased, SANITATION particularly in border areas, to identify those accessing international mobile phone Food insecurity remained a serious problem, services including China’s communication exacerbated by closed borders and extreme networks to make international calls, 4 weather events. In June, leader Kim Jong-un including to South Korea. Internet access acknowledged difficulties meeting grain remained restricted to a very small ruling production targets. elite. After border closures and the cutting of all ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS train links with China, food imports reportedly disappeared, both through government- Despite several reports that human rights controlled trading and the unofficial “grey” violations had partially reduced in some market. Prices for staples such as rice, corn detention facilities, treatment of detainees still and oil tripled in some areas. appeared to be harsh.6 According to UNICEF’s 2021 child nutrition Beatings and other torture or ill-treatment report, almost one in five North Korean during investigations continued to be children suffered from moderate to severe reported in detention facilities under the growth stunting. While this was an Ministry of State Security. Conditions in improvement on previous years, concerns detention facilities under the Ministry of remained that food insecurity would reverse Social Security remained poor, with reports of this trend. forced labour, inadequate food and medical care, and verbal abuse. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 281