KWANLISO 3. “Drugs have become a part of everyday life in North Korea” (Korean Four Kwanliso were known to remain in only), 31 October operation although their existence was 4. “North Korea’s food shortage and the right to food”, (Korean only), 30 denied by the authorities. Up to 120,000 July detainees were believed to be held and 5. “Silent society – Suppressed freedom of political expression in North subjected to forced labour, torture and other Korea”, (Korean only), 31 December ill-treatment. 6. “Blind spots for human rights, detention facilities in North Korea”, (Korean only), 30 June ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL 7. “Poor labour rights in North Korea”, (Korean only), 10 February RIGHTS WORKERS’ RIGHTS NORTH MACEDONIA Wages in state-run factories remained very low. Some workers in state-run factories and other enterprises, where the pay is Republic of North Macedonia significantly lower than the cost of living, Head of state: Stevo Pendarovski resorted to bribing officials in an effort to Head of government: Dimitar Kovačevski (designate) exchange their designated working hours for (replaced Zoran Zaev in December) better paid work elsewhere, including in the Former government officials were brought to grey economy.7 account. Conditions for detainees and RIGHT TO FREE CHOICE OF EMPLOYMENT prisoners failed to meet international The “Songbun” system of “ascribed status” standards. Hate speech was directed at remained in place, dictating educational, ethnic minorities and LGBTI people, as well political and professional mobility for all North as women and girls, who were not protected Koreans. Children of farmers were often from gender-based violence. Discrimination obliged to take over their parents’ jobs. Some persisted against Roma and Albanians. parents reportedly resorted to bribery or BACKGROUND powerful contacts to give their children the opportunity to change careers. The country’s efforts towards EU membership CHILD/FORCED LABOUR were blocked by Bulgaria, in a dispute over State media claimed that orphans language, culture and Macedonia’s failure to “volunteered” en masse to take jobs in recognize Bulgarian ethnicity. This – along unpopular and dangerous manual labour with the failure to implement domestic professions, including mining. reforms and poor local election results – INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENT contributed to Zoran Zaev’s resignation in North Korea participated in several December. international forums related to economic, ACCOUNTABILITY social and cultural rights. In July, it participated in the UN High-level Political Investigations continued into alleged serious Forum and presented a Voluntary National crimes, including human rights violations, by Review for the first time, effectively agreeing former government ministers and officials. to implement the Sustainable Development Sašo Mijalkov, former head of the secret Goals. In November, North Korea participated police, and 10 former police officers and in the COP26 UN Climate Change employees were convicted in February for Conference. offences arising from widespread unlawful wire-tapping revealed in 2015. 1. “Isolation and human rights violations in North Korea's response to In June, the former parliamentary speaker and two ministers were convicted for their infectious diseases”, (Korean only), 31 May 2. “Recent health care in North Korea”, (Korean only), 30 September role in organizing the April 2017 storming of parliament, when 100 people, including members of parliament, were injured. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 282