of “immoral acts”. Women, girls and LGBTI government and STC violently repressed people in these facilities have in the past these protests, including with gunfire and been subjected to systematic torture, grenades. This resulted in STC forces in including rape and other forms of sexual Aden killing one man and injuring three boys, violence; cruel and inhuman treatment; and and government forces killing a man and a forced recruitment. boy and injuring another boy in Hadramout In February in Sana’a, Huthi de facto governorate, as well injuring a man in Ta’iz. authorities arbitrarily detained and forcibly The survivors all sustained life-changing disappeared actress and model Intisar al- injuries. 2 Hammadi. During her detention, she was RIGHT TO FOOD interrogated while blindfolded, and physically and verbally abused. On 5 May, Huthi de The economy continued to collapse. facto authorities asked her to take a “virginity Devaluation of the Yemeni rial resulted in a test”, which she refused. In November, she 36-45% rise in the cost of living. Prior to this was sentenced to five years in prison on rise, around 47,000 Yemenis were already charges of committing an “indecent act”. living in famine-like conditions, with 2021 In January, the Huthis restricted permission being the first time such conditions emerged to purchase contraceptives to “husbands”, since the beginning of the conflict. More than congruent with the stated aim of increasing 50% of the population – around 16.2 million the birth rate to serve their military cause. people – were estimated to be food insecure, GOVERNMENT OF YEMEN according to the World Food Programme. In January, the government’s political security All parties to the conflict continued to forces in Ma’arib arbitrarily arrested a woman impose siege-like conditions, blockades, because her brother had worked for the obstructions on imports and unnecessary Huthis and she later died in custody, bureaucracy or restrictions on movement, according to the Women’s Solidarity Network. which inflated the cost of food, impeded In July and August, government armed humanitarian aid and fuelled food insecurity. forces in Ta’iz harassed and assaulted two The actions undermined famine prevention women human rights defenders, one of them and contributed to famine-like conditions. living with disabilities, and accused them of Between March and June, the Saudi “prostitution” as well as working for the Arabia-led coalition denied entry to 13 Huthis. In September, according to Mwatana vessels carrying 350,000 tonnes of fuel for Human Rights, political security forces in derivatives. During 2021, two vessels carrying Ma’arib arbitrarily detained and forcibly fuel derivatives were left waiting for clearance disappeared another woman, a human rights for approximately 200 days. In addition to activist and humanitarian worker, for a contributing to fuel shortages, which month. impacted food production and distribution, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND the loss of revenue threatened authorities’ ASSEMBLY capacity to pay public sector salaries. All parties continued to curtail free speech RIGHT TO HEALTH and assembly of human rights defenders, The health system continued to be severely journalists, political opponents and perceived impacted by the armed conflict, economic critics. and institutional crises, and exacerbated by Throughout September, peaceful protests Covid-19. Only 50% of health facilities were were staged against the government and STC fully functional and over 80% of the in Aden, Ta’iz and southern governorates, population faced difficulties in accessing demanding they address the economic crisis healthcare services. and deteriorating living conditions. According Restrictions by all parties to the conflict to Mwatana for Human Rights, the impeded access to medication and medical Amnesty International Report 2021/22 408