treatment, including Covid-19 vaccines and 2016 Saudi Arabia-led coalition air strike that treatment. The continued closure of Sana’a killed six civilians. airport by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition In August, lawyers filed a submission on denied Yemenis life-saving medical behalf of Yemeni complainants to the ICC, treatment. Covid-19 health surveillance was requesting an investigation into the criminal limited throughout Yemen, compounded by liability of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition Huthi authorities’ refusal to collect or leadership and mercenaries employed by a disseminate data on cases and deaths, US military contractor, for unlawful air strikes despite healthcare providers identifying that killed civilians, torture and murder. In waves of infections and deaths. Huthi October, they filed the same complaint to the authorities publicly denied the existence of UK’s Metropolitan Police. Covid-19 and spread disinformation about its ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION seriousness. They refused to carry out vaccinations and rejected COVAX-initiative Parties to the conflict were responsible for vaccines allocated to them by the environmental degradation across Yemen government. through poor governance, cancelling The spread of Covid-19, and inaction or programming, neglect of legally protected mismanaged preventative measures by all areas, mismanagement of oil infrastructure, parties, compounded structural inequalities, and placing economic pressure on civilians. disproportionately impacting women, girls Yemenis resorted to environmentally and those from marginalized communities. damaging coping mechanisms, including Only 20% of maternal and child health reliance on charcoal, unsustainable fishing services were functioning, according to the and unsustainable development. This UN Population Fund, leaving 48,000 women resulted in increased pollution, deforestation, and girls at risk of death during pregnancy or soil erosion and loss of biodiversity, which childbirth. adversely impacted enjoyment of the rights to RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND health, food and water. REPARATION In June, at Bir Ali oil terminal, Shabwa governorate, mismanagement of oil Intensive Saudi-led lobbying throughout infrastructure led to a pipeline discharging oil 2021, as well as Bahraini-led opposition to into the sea for four days, close to the renewal of the UN GEE’s mandate at the an environmentally sensitive coastline. Also in HRC in October, resulted in the termination June, Huthi authorities refused to grant of the only international, impartial security assurances to the UN-led technical investigative mechanism for international assistance team for the tanker FSO Safer. humanitarian law violations in Yemen. The This left the tanker off the coast of Hodeidah final report of the UN GEE urged the UN at increasing risk of spilling its cargo of Security Council to refer the situation in 1.14m barrels of oil, which would have Yemen to the ICC, and called for the creation devastating consequences for the biologically of an international criminal investigative body sensitive Red Sea coastline, as well as water 3 on the conflict in Yemen. scarcity, health, and the food security and In January, the Italian government livelihoods of millions of Yemenis and permanently stopped issuing export licences Eritreans reliant on Red Sea fishing. for armaments to be used in Yemen, and DEATH PENALTY cancelled shipments to Saudi Arabia. The Rome Public Prosecutor recommenced Death sentences were handed down and investigations into the complicity of the Italian executions took place, including public National Authority for Export of Armaments executions. and arms manufacturer RWM Italia SpA in a Amnesty International Report 2021/22 409