transferred 5,000 Covid-19 doses to the ISRAEL AND THE Palestinian authorities, it sent thousands of OCCUPIED doses to diplomatic allies. BACKGROUND PALESTINIAN Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu lost parliamentary elections on 23 March after 12 years in office marred by corruption. A new TERRITORIES coalition government was approved on 13 June, bringing to power Jewish supremacist, State of Israel centrist and left-wing parties in alliance with Head of state: Isaac Herzog (replaced Reuven Rivlin in an Islamist party. July) Armed conflict erupted between Israel and Head of government: Naftali Bennett (replaced Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip Benjamin Netanyahu in June) between 10 and 21 May. It was the fifth Israel-Gaza conflict in 15 years. In Israeli Armed conflict between Israel and towns where both Jewish and Palestinian Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip citizens live, inter-ethnic violence led to in May entailed apparent war crimes and killings, clashes and damage to property. possible crimes against humanity. The murder rate involving Palestinian Disproportionate and reckless strikes by citizens of Israel was proportionally 25 times Israeli forces killed 242 Palestinians in higher than cases involving Jewish citizens of Gaza. Unlawful attacks by Israel included Israel, who constitute about 80% of the targeted strikes on medical facilities and population. According to the NGO Aman, personnel. Israel maintained its illegal criminals killed 110 Palestinian citizens of blockade on the Gaza Strip, inflicting Israel in 2021, the highest number in collective punishment on residents and decades. exacerbating the humanitarian crisis there, The housing ministry promoted plans for and Palestinians’ freedom of movement was construction of illegal settlements south-west arbitrarily restricted in the West Bank. of Bethlehem, east of Jerusalem and south of Israeli authorities subjected Palestinians to Ramallah in the OPT. forced evictions, arbitrary detention, torture Climate change adaptation policies were in and other ill-treatment, all committed with place but not fairly distributed between almost total impunity. Israel’s Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel. An discriminatory system of governing unprecedented heatwave in August caused Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied extensive forest fires. Palestinian Territories (OPT) constituted In July, authorities visited the offices of NSO apartheid, a crime under international law. Group in response to the Pegasus Project The Ministry of Defense labelled six investigation that revealed that the company’s Palestinian civil society organizations as spyware had been used to target human “terrorist” in October. Conscientious rights workers and journalists around the objectors to military service were world.1 imprisoned. Divorce and other personal UNLAWFUL ATTACKS status laws governed by religious courts continued to discriminate against women, ISRAEL-GAZA ARMED CONFLICT and domestic violence rose during the During the armed conflict in May, Israel Covid-19 pandemic. The authorities denied committed apparent war crimes and possible 2 asylum seekers access to a fair and prompt crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip. refugee status determination process, and According to the OHCHR and the WHO, 242 to economic support. While Israel Palestinians were killed, including 63 Amnesty International Report 2021/22 207