thousands of people; some had been held for Libyan legislation retained corporal over 10 years without charge or trial. punishments, including flogging and Throughout the year, men and women were amputation. arrested for their actual or perceived political In June, a Tripoli military court sentenced a or tribal affiliation or activism in connection to soldier to 80 lashes for drinking alcohol; elections, and subjected to enforced military police carried out the flogging. disappearances or held incommunicado for up to seven months.1 UNLAWFUL KILLINGS In March, the Internal Security Agency, an The bodies of at least 20 individuals were armed group affiliated with the LAAF, found following their abduction by militias abducted Haneen al-Abduli from a street in and armed groups. Some had marks of Benghazi and detained her in al-Kouwifyia torture or gunshot wounds. prison until 28 June, after she had publicly In August, the body of Abdelaziz al-Ogali, a called for accountability for the murder of her 56-year-old man abducted in November mother, lawyer Hanan al-Barassi, who was 2020 by armed men believed to be affiliated gunned down in 2020.2 with the LAAF, was found in Benghazi. Military courts in LAAF-controlled areas FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND convicted dozens of civilians in grossly unfair 3 EXPRESSION trials. The right to adequate defence, a reasoned judgment and genuine review were Throughout the year militias and armed routinely flouted. groups in areas controlled by the GNU and In September, the LAAF released journalist LAAF threatened and ordered dozens of Ismail al-Zway, who was serving a 15-year activists and politicians to cease their prison sentence imposed by a military court activism and political involvement in the due to his media work. elections, arresting at least 20 men. TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT After the National Youth League, a state body, called for protests against the Militias and armed groups systematically postponement of the elections, armed men tortured and otherwise ill-treated detainees in abducted its director Imad al-Harati from his official and unofficial places of detention with Tripoli office in September and held him impunity. Beatings, electric shocks, mock incommunicado for nine days. executions, flogging, waterboarding, In October, parliament passed a cybercrime suspension in contorted positions and sexual law that severely limits free expression online, violence were reported by prisoners held by allows for government surveillance and the Special Deterrence Force, Stability censorship, and punishes with imprisonment Support Apparatus, Brigade 444, Public the dissemination of content deemed Security Agency and the Security Directorate “immoral”. Support Force militias, as well as by armed Militias and armed groups continued to groups including the Internal Security target journalists and social media users Agency, Tareq Ibn Zeyad and the 128th and through arbitrary arrest, detention and 106thbrigades. threats, simply for expressing critical views or Prison officials, militias and armed groups carrying out their work. held detainees in cruel and inhuman In October, unidentified armed men in conditions, characterized by overcrowding, military uniform abducted journalist Saddam denial of healthcare and lack of hygiene, al-Saket during his coverage of a sit-in by exercise and sufficient food. At least two men refugees in Tripoli. His whereabouts died in custody after being denied adequate remained unknown. healthcare. NGO registration, funding and activities were subject to opaque and lengthy procedures. A case against undue Amnesty International Report 2021/22 235