restrictions to the right to freedom of Several countries, including Russia, Turkey association in Decree No. 286/2019 and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), violated regulating NGOs, remained pending at a the UN arms embargo established since Tripoli administrative court. 2011 by retaining foreign fighters and military Humanitarian actors reported increased equipment in Libya. Verified videos showed access restrictions to Libya and communities militias using UAE-manufactured and in need. exported armoured vehicles in a raid against UNLAWFUL ATTACKS migrants and refugees in Tripoli in October, which were likely seized by GNA-affiliated While the national ceasefire in place since militias (the previous Government of National October 2020 held, militias and armed Accord) from the LAAF during the 2020 groups violated international humanitarian hostilities in Tripoli. law during sporadic, localized armed clashes, IMPUNITY including indiscriminate attacks and destruction of civilian infrastructure and Officials and members of militias and armed private property. groups responsible for crimes under In June, clashes involving machine guns international law enjoyed near total impunity. between the Criminal Investigations Unit, a Authorities continued to fund abusive armed militia based in al-Zawiya city, and a militia groups and militias without vetting and to led by Mohamed al-Shalfoh, based in the integrate them into state institutions. neighbouring city of al-Agiliat, left two women In January, Abdel Ghani al-Kikli, and one man dead and damaged civilian commander of the Abu Salim Central property. Security Force militia, was appointed head of In October, a boy was killed in the southern the newly created Stability Support Authority city of Sebha during clashes between Brigade tasked with law enforcement and intelligence, 116, an armed group affiliated with the LAAF despite credible reports about his militia’s but nominally commanded by the GNU, and involvement in war crimes since 2011. a local armed group. Libyan officials and those with de facto Landmines planted by LAAF-affiliated non- control of territory ignored ICC arrest state actors before their withdrawal from warrants, with Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, who Tripoli in 2020 killed and wounded at least 24 had been indicted by the ICC on charges of civilians, including children. In March, a man crimes against humanity, running for the and a boy were killed in two separate presidency. landmine explosions in Tripoli’s southern In February, Al-Tuhamy Khaled, wanted by outskirts. the ICC for crimes against humanity and war Armed groups repeatedly attacked the Great crimes, died at liberty in Egypt. In March, Man-Made River (GMMR) infrastructure, a Mahmoud al-Werfalli, wanted by the ICC for network of waterpipes that transports water the murder of 33 people in Benghazi and from aquifers in the south to coastal areas, surrounding areas, was assassinated in limiting access to water for millions of people. Benghazi. In August, armed men affiliated with the In April, the GNU released Abdelrahman Magarha tribe forced the GMMR Milad, also known as Bidja, following a administration to cut water supplies to decision by the public prosecutor citing lack western Libya for a week, demanding the of evidence. He remained under UN Security release of their tribal leader Abdallah al- Council sanctions, imposed in June 2018, Senussi, a former intelligence chief who was over his involvement in human trafficking. He sentenced to death in 2015. resumed his role as head of the Libyan Coast In June, the Islamic State armed group Guard-Western Branch in al-Zawiya. Osama claimed a suicide attack on a police al-Kuni remained director of al-Nasr checkpoint that killed six civilians in Sebha. detention centre in al-Zawiya, despite being Amnesty International Report 2021/22 236