the financing of terrorist activities, effectively sea and for instructing private vessels to discouraging international investment. return rescued people to Libya. RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND In May, the OHCHR also expressed concern REPARATION about the lives of people at sea being endangered by Malta and other EU states In July, the final report of the independent delaying rescues and shifting responsibilities inquiry into the 2017 killing of journalist for rescue onto Libyan authorities, resulting in Daphne Caruana Galizia was published. The people being returned to abuse in Libya. inquiry found that the authorities had failed to Asylum seekers continued to be detained recognize the imminent risks to her life and arbitrarily in sub-standard, unsanitary to take steps to protect her; and that the conditions. Both the CoE Commissioner and prime minister and other officials at the the European Committee for the Prevention highest levels had created a climate of of Torture (CPT) expressed concerns over the impunity which facilitated her killing. The legality and length of detention for numerous inquiry recommended the continuation of asylum seekers. In March, the CPT published investigations into all aspects of the killing the report of the visit it carried out in various and systemic reforms to strengthen the rule centres, including the Hermes Block and Safi of law and the protection of journalists. In Detention Centre, in September 2020. The August, a former businessman suspected of CPT described a system of “institutional ordering her killing was indicted. Two men mass neglect”, inhuman and degrading accused of planting the bomb which killed treatment, and reports of ill-treatment and her were awaiting trial, while a third, who excessive use of force. It urged Malta to pleaded guilty, was sentenced in February to reconsider its immigration detention policy. In 15 years’ imprisonment. October, the CoE Commissioner for Human SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS Rights also visited Safi Detention Centre. She urged the authorities to immediately ensure A total ban on abortion remained in place, dignified conditions there and to consider preventing people from accessing the alternatives to immigration detention. procedure even in cases where their health In March, the European Court of Human was at risk. In May, a member of parliament Rights, in the case of Feilazoo v. Malta, found presented a bill to decriminalize abortion, the that Malta had violated the rights of a first time such a proposal had been tabled in Nigerian national by holding him in prolonged parliament. However, opponents of the isolation in inadequate conditions and proposal prevented its discussion from taking detaining him unnecessarily with people in place. Covid-19 quarantine. In March, the European Commission REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS against Racism and Intolerance expressed By the end of the year, 832 refugees and concern that Malta had no plans to introduce migrants reached Malta by sea, many after a form of regularization for people who had being rescued by the Maltese armed forces. resided there for many years and could not By the end of September, when arrivals by be returned to their countries of origin. sea had reached 464 people, a quarter of The survivors and the relatives of some of them were unaccompanied children and those who died during the so-called “Easter most were Syrian, Sudanese and Eritrean Monday” pushback to Libya, carried out in nationals. In 2020, 2,281 people had April 2020 by a merchant vessel contracted reached Malta by sea in search of safety. by the Maltese government, sued Malta for In March, the Council of Europe (CoE) denying their right to asylum. At a hearing in Commissioner for Human Rights criticized May, a former senior official confirmed Malta for ignoring or responding slowly to organizing several pushbacks, including the distress calls from refugees and migrants at “Easter Monday” one. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 248