d’État, before being transferred to Bamako in Bamako and paraded him through the central prison. Kalilou Doumbia, Permanent streets. Oumar Samaké returned voluntarily Secretary to the Presidency under Bah Ndaw, to pretrial detention after the government was arrested on 6 September according to gave him an ultimatum. Human Rights Watch, and his family was DISCRIMINATION unable to obtain information as to his whereabouts or his fate. On 10 September, Discrimination and violence continued Moustapha Diakité, a police commissioner against people based on social status arising based in Kayes, was also disappeared after from their descent. In September, one person he was summoned to a meeting with the was killed and many others injured in a mob National Police high command.It was not attack in Tomora against an Independence until 5 November that the whereabouts of Day procession of people belonging to a both men became known when, along with caste perceived to be inferior. Colonel Kassoum Goïta, former head of the RIGHT TO HEALTH Sécurité d’État, and four other individuals, they were charged with criminal conspiracy In February Mali received its first batch of and plotting against the government. 396,000 Covid-19 vaccines through COVAX. RIGHT TO TRUTH, JUSTICE AND By December, 963,968 doses were REPARATION administered, with 349,000 (1.7% of the population) having received two doses. In April, the Bamako Assizes Court heard 12 Vaccinations were mainly concentrated in trials on terrorism charges, leading to the urban centres due to the lack of security in conviction of 28 people who were given life the central and northern regions and poor sentences, and the acquittal of one. In medical infrastructure made it difficult to October, another Special Assizes session in conserve doses for delivery to remote areas. Bamako heard 47 additional cases under terrorism charges. In some cases, violations of the right to a fair trial were documented MALTA with illegal pretrial detention by intelligence services and a lack of legal representation Republic of Malta during preliminary investigations. In June, the Head of state: George Vella Assizes Court of Mopti tried 12 people for the Head of government: Robert Abela unlawful killings of 39 civilians from Koulogon-Peul in January 2019. The An independent inquiry into the killing of accused, who had been provisionally journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia found released by the court, were convicted in their that the state had failed to protect her and absence and sentenced to life imprisonment had created a climate of impunity that on charges including murder. facilitated her killing. A total ban on There was limited progress in investigations abortion remained in place. Asylum seekers into crimes under international law and migrants continued to be unlawfully committed by the military. detained in appalling conditions. Three In September, the commander of the asylum seekers remained on trial for Special Anti-Terror Force, Oumar Samaké, opposing their unlawful pushback to Libya was arrested and charged with “murder, after surviving a shipwreck. aggravated assault, lethal assault and BACKGROUND complicity in murder”, in relation to the deaths of 14 protesters in 2020 following the In June, the intergovernmental Financial use of excessive force by security forces. His Action Task Force placed Malta on the so- arrest led to spontaneous protests by police called “grey list” of countries with weak officers, who freed him from the main prison safeguards against money-laundering and Amnesty International Report 2021/22 247