Putumayo department on 23 July when a municipality, Norte de Santander 5 plan to assassinate her came to light. department, by armed actors who exercise On 14 December, Temblores denounced territorial control in the area. alleged monitoring and interception orders As of 31 October, the OHCHR confirmed against its members by the Attorney that there had been 43 massacres (the killing General’s Office. The human rights of three or more people at the same time and organization documented police violence and place and by the same alleged perpetrator) represented victims of human rights and a further 36 were being verified. violations in the context of protests. IMPUNITY FORCED DISPLACEMENT AND On 28 January, the JEP charged eight CONFINEMENT members of the former FARC-EP Secretariat According to the UN Office for Humanitarian with crimes against humanity and war Affairs, 60,751 people were forcibly crimes. displaced, mainly in Chocó, Cauca, Nariño In July, in two separate decisions, the JEP and Norte de Santander departments, and charged 25 former army officials in 50,969 people were forcibly confined, connection with 127 extrajudicial executions meaning they were forced to stay in territories in the Catatumbo region on the northern with limited access to food, drinking water Caribbean coast between 2002 and 2003, and basic services because of the armed and 120 similar executions between 2007 conflict. The overwhelming majority of those and 2008. The killings had been falsely affected (95%) were Indigenous people or presented as rebels killed in combat (known members of Afro-descendant communities. as “false positives”). In July, 4,099 people were forcibly Also in July, the Constitutional Court displaced in the town of Ituango, Antioquia decided to transfer the case of Dilan Cruz, an department, due to the territorial dispute 18-year-old protester who died at the hands between FARC-EP dissidents and the of police in 2019, from the military courts to Gaitanista Self-Defence Forces of Colombia, a the civilian justice system. paramilitary group. On 28 October, the ICC prosecutor closed VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL the preliminary examination into Colombia for HUMANITARIAN LAW war crimes and crimes against humanity and signed a cooperation agreement with the Crimes under international law and human government. rights violations and abuses in the context of the internal armed conflict continued to claim REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS victims, particularly in rural areas. According On 8 February, the government announced to the NGO Dejusticia, on 2 March, three the creation of the Temporary Protection minors were killed when the armed forces Statute for Venezuelan migrants and refugees bombed a FARC-EP dissident camp in to allow their status to be regularized for a Guaviare department. On 5 July, 17-year-old period of 10 years. Yeison Stiven Yule Pequi, from the Altamira According to the Regional Inter-Agency Indigenous Reserve, died following a Coordination Platform for Refugees and bombing raid by the National Army on a Migrants from Venezuela, as of August, FARC-EP dissident camp in Caquetá 1,842,390 migrants and refugees from department. On 16 September, four minors Venezuela remained in Colombia, of whom were killed in a bombing raid by the army on 1,182,059 had begun their migration an ELN camp in Chocó department. regularization process. On 9 October, two Venezuelan minors were On 30 March, the Ombudsperson’s Office killed, one of them belonging to the bi- reported a humanitarian crisis in the national Wayuu Indigenous people, in Tibú department of Arauca due to the arrival of Amnesty International Report 2021/22 134