INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS On 9 May, in the context of the National In November, the Constitutional Court failed Strike, the Minga Indígena was attacked by to issue a ruling on a lawsuit filed in 2020 by armed civilians, with the acquiescence of the the civil society network Causa Justa to 4 National Police. Ten Indigenous people were decriminalize abortion. A ruling was expected seriously injured, including the Indigenous in January 2022. human rights defender, Daniela Soto. In June, Hermilda Benítez Domico, from the LGBTI PEOPLE’S RIGHTS Río Murindó Indigenous Reserve, and Oracio According to the NGO Caribe Afirmativo, five Carupia, an Embera Eyábida Indigenous LGBTI people were victims of police violence person, died as a result of landmine in the context of protests between 28 April explosions in Dabeiba municipality, Antioquia and 10 June. department. On 21 May, a young gay man participating On 28 September, the Ombudsperson’s in a protest was arbitrarily detained and Office issued Early Warning 022 in response sexually assaulted at a police station in to the risk of forced recruitment of Soledad, Atlántico department. A guard Indigenous children and adolescents in the reportedly incited inmates to sexually abuse town of La Pedrera, Amazonas department, him when they learned of his sexual by FARC-EP dissidents. orientation. GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS The Black Communities Process reported According to the Centre for Research and that between 28 April and July there were at Popular Education, eight Indigenous human least 15 cases of gender-based violence rights defenders were killed in the against Black women in the context of departments of Cauca, Nariño, Putumayo protests in Cali. In addition, the NGO and La Guajira during the first half of the Temblores reported that 491 women year: Carmen Ofelia Cumbalaza, a pre- experienced police violence in the context of candidate for the Municipal Council of the demonstrations and 35 were victims of sexual Movement of Indigenous Authorities of violence by state officials. Colombia; María Bernarda Juajibioy; Gilberto In July, the Cinco Claves civil society Findicué; Aura Esther García; Fernando network presented a report to the Special Esneider Lozada; Geovanny Cabezas, youth Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), requesting that leader and Indigenous guard of the Kwe’sx a national case be opened into sexual Kiwe Nasa Reserve; and Oneida Argenis violence, reproductive violence and violence Yatacué and her husband Marcelino Yatacué. motivated by the sexual orientation and/or Between January and 31 October, the gender identity of the victims in the context of OHCHR received 180 allegations of the armed conflict. In addition, the National homicides of human rights defenders, of Association of Displaced Afro-Colombians which it verified 67. The highest number of presented a report that documented 109 reported killings of human rights defenders cases of sexual violence committed in the were in the departments of Valle del Cauca context of the armed conflict against Afro- (31), Cauca (10) and Antioquia (six). Colombian women and girls. According to the NGO Programa Somos On 18 October, the Inter-American Court of Defensores, between January and September Human Rights issued a historical ruling in the there were 501 threats, 86 killings and 72 case of journalist Jineth Bedoya against attempted killings targeting human rights Colombia, declaring the state responsible for defenders, 41.6% of which occurred in the her physical, sexual and psychological torture context of the National Strike. in 2000. The environmentalist Jani Silva was forced to move from her residence in Puerto Asís, Amnesty International Report 2021/22 133