Strategic Report ESG: sustainability and corporate responsibility Our sustainability strategy, comprising three How we create value with our pillars, is based on our potential impact, strategy and contribute to the SDGs stakeholder opinions and our contribution to The impact model on page 17 explains how our the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) sustainability strategy, our activities, and the developed in 2015 by the United Nations. resources we use lead to our ultimate impact • Zero Impact Workspaces concentrates on goal. It describes how we create added value, our own operations, taking care of our home now and in the long term. As the model shows, and household. we aim to contribute to the SDGs. • Sustainable Work focuses on taking care Significant positive impact can be found in of our work for and with clients and thereby our work for clients, ranging from awareness making an impact in our supply chain. raised on social topics, to changed consumer • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) behaviour, to conservation of our environment. focuses on taking care of ourselves and However, as the inputs show, we also consume each other, with a growing emphasis on the natural resources to enable us to work for support we offer to clients. our clients. These relate to greenhouse gas We have set goals for each of our strategic emissions and waste associated with our pillars that collectively contribute to our business activities. We are working to decrease overarching ambition: to build a sustainable this negative impact of our business operations and inclusive company and become B Corp and increase our positive added value through certified, validating our business as a force our creative work. for good. In 2021 we took additional steps to become B Corp certified and are currently in the middle of the full scope assessment. The B Corp ambition demonstrates how we strive to become industry leaders. We believe that this ambition starts with increasing transparency. Part of this transparency is standardisation, to measure, compare and adjust. There are still many unknowns in our industry that we need to tackle. Therefore, we signed the Commitment Letter of the World Economic Forum. This letter reflects our commitment to the global alignment effort on ESG reporting and to the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics Initiative (SCMI). The SCMI improves the ways that companies measure and demonstrate their performance against ESG indicators and to enable positive contributions towards achieving the SDGs. Through collaboration within and beyond our industry we want to turn these unknowns into knowns. 16 S4Capital Annual Report and Accounts 2021