1 The reporting scope for the sustainability information is based on combinations before 2021. The activities of the following companies are included in the reporting scope: Biztech, Circus Network Holding, Decoded Advertising, Firewood, IMAgency, MediaMonks, Metric Theory, MightyHive (including Lens 10), Orca Pacific, LLC, Superhero Cheesecake BV and S4Capital. Our impact model Input People Resources Financial capital Relationships • 5,874 Monks • >30 offices • 0.07% of • Clients • >20 countries • 2,397.97 MWh revenue invested • Business partners electricity used in innovation • 43% women • Charities 44% men 13% undeclared Business model Our vision Our ESG mission Our strategy Creativity and technology We are a catalyst for • Zero Impact Workspaces are a force for good and the sustainable impact • Sustainable Work powerful tools required in of our clients the transition towards a • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion more sustainable society Output • Many of our people • 30% of electricity • £87,091 (0.02% • 14,311 projects trained on diversity, use is renewable of net revenue) for clients equity & inclusion 0.86 tonnes of CO and 1,460 hours 251 Projects • 2 donated to charities • • Offered 66 emissions per FTE For Good intern positions • 29% of waste is recycled Long-term We empower our We create a We remain We improve the value people to be a climate-neutral and economically viable sustainable impact catalyst for change, environmentally and invest in our of our clients – to in an inclusive, conscious innovations to enable bring about the shift diverse and business operation us to contribute in attitudes and creative workplace to sustainability behaviour needed to challenges in the reach the SDGs long run Zero Impact Workspaces Sustainable Work Diversity, Equity and Inclusion S4Capital Annual Report and Accounts 2021 17